If there isn’t a layer of golden-brown froth on top, the espresso isn’t really an espresso. But did you know that this layer of foam has a name? It is called crema. We’ll fill you in on everything.
The history of crema
Italians are the original source of the word crema. The inventor of the espresso machine known as “Achille Gaggia” created it with a much higher pressure than other models. On top, this produces an odd foam. He advertised his equipment with the promise of a “Natural cream coffee” in order to transform this into a plus. That Italian term eventually developed into an English term to describe the foam on an espresso.
The foamy layer that covers your espresso is referred to as crema. It not only looks delicious, but it also conveys a message about the espresso that is in front of you. If the coffee is good quality, you can tell from the foam layer. The hue and layer thickness are things you can examine. How long the foam layer is visible also matters.
During the roasting process, crema is already being created. CO2 is produced when coffee beans are roasted. When you crush freshly roasted coffee beans, the CO2 will still be present. When you brew the coffee, the extra CO2 will dissolve in the coffee, releasing the pressure. It resembles a soft drink in certain ways. The layer of foam had already developed at that point. Compared to soft drinks, the layer in espresso is considerably finer, but the idea is the same.
The quality of your espresso
But what specific information can you glean from these points? A quick-dissolving thin layer of crema is not a good indicator. It can be because the coffee is stale or the beans were ground too finely. Additionally, a light-colored crema is not a good sign. Your espresso most likely has a delicate flavor. This is frequently the cause of too little coffee or too cold water. The water was probably too hot if the layer was too black. The finely ground beans can possibly be at blame. This is also not good.
The choice of your coffee roaster
Another factor that affects the quality of your espresso is the choice of your coffee roaster. Different types of coffee roasters have different features and benefits, such as capacity, speed, temperature control, and cost. For example, a 3kg coffee roaster can roast up to 3 kilograms of green coffee beans per batch, which is suitable for small to medium-sized coffee shops or home roasters. A 5kg coffee roaster machine price may vary depending on the brand, model, and quality, but it can roast up to 5 kilograms of green coffee beans per batch, which is ideal for larger coffee shops or roasters. Bean coffee roasters are machines that roast coffee beans by using hot air, drum, or fluid bed technology. They can produce different roast levels, flavors, and aromas, depending on the roasting time, temperature, and airflow. The best coffee roaster machine commercial is the one that meets your needs and preferences, as well as your budget and space. You may want to consider factors such as reliability, durability, efficiency, and ease of use. An industrial coffee roasting machine is a large-scale machine that can roast hundreds or thousands of kilograms of green coffee beans per hour, which is mainly used by coffee roasting companies or factories. An industrial coffee roasting machine can offer high productivity, consistency, and quality, but it also requires more investment, maintenance, and skill.
As you can see, there are many aspects to consider when making a perfect espresso, from the crema to the coffee roaster. We hope this article has given you some useful information and tips on how to enjoy your espresso more.